How Do I Know If I’m in Ketosis?

The goal of a ketogenic diet is to get into ketosis, which is the state in which your body is steadily producing ketones. So, you will need to test your body for the presence of ketone. In this video, Dr. Keith shares how he tests his urine and blood for ketones. Nutritional KetosisNutritional ketosis isRead More

Using Fasting for Faster Fat Loss

 This video will introduce you to intermittent fasting. You’ll learn how it helps your body lose fat and how you might already be benefitting from this weight loss accelerator thanks to our “3 hours before bed, stop eating” rule. As a member, you are already eating in a way that supports fat-burning. You can use intermittentRead More

How Often Should I Use Intermittent Fasting?

You don’t need to practice intermittent fasting every day to reap the benefits. In this video, you’ll hear my recommendations for using intermittent fasting. Watch: 5 Ways to Do Intermittent FastingTips from the VideoHow often you use intermittent fasting is going to depend on how it fits into your lifestyle, your comfort level, and yourRead More

Level 3 Exercises

Level Three is for you if you’ve mastered Level Two or you have been actively engaged in a moderately strenuous exercise program within the past month. Circuit Training – Level 3: AdvancedAdditional Level Three ExercisesAerobic Exercises:Aerobic Option #1 (Video): 15-Minute HIIT HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) workouts have you vary your pace.This video shows you howRead More

What Breaks a Fast? What Can I Eat or Drink?

Keith and I have tested many foods and drinks to determine how they affect our blood glucose and ketone levels, and therefore our intermittent fasts. This video provides an overview of our findings, and the guide below provides a quick and easy reference to our recommendations. Download Our Guide to What Breaks a FastMany ofRead More

Level 1 Exercises

Level one is a good place for you to start if you have a physical limitation or you have had limited exercise within the past year. Circuit Training for BeginnersAdditional Level One ExercisesAerobic Exercises:Aerobic Option #1: Walking with Short Burst of SpeedIf you enjoy walking, you can turn your walk into a fat-burning exercise byRead More

Level 1 Circuit Training Video Clips

Circuit Training Routine – Level OneCircuit Training combines cardio and strength exercise into one exercise session, so you get the best of both worlds. The cardio burns calories and the strength training preserves the muscle you need to keep your fat-burning metabolism strong.Perform the Circuit Training Exercises three days a week on the opposite days thatRead More

Get Our FREE Guide to Fasting!

Finding the right fasting routine for your body and lifestyle takes time. If you’d like to avoid common fasting mistakes and find ways to make fasting easier, I encourage you to download this FREE guide!

Get your FREE “How-To” guide to fasting here!

Fasting Guide

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Make Low Carb Simple!

Download a list of 100 low-carb foods for free!

Start Low-Carb Today for FREE!

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4 Daily Habits That Give Your Body No Choice But To Lose Weight

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4 Daily Habits That Give Your Body No Choice But to Lose Weight

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