Nothing is more rewarding than being able to say, “I did it!”
Is weight loss a problem you can’t seem to solve?
My weight loss program will help you, let me explain how…
To lose weight, you must create a plan that’s Easy-to-Follow, Enjoyable, and Effective. If the program does not accomplish these 3E’s, you won’t be able to stick with it long enough to reach your goal.
The problem is that you’re busy.
Taking the time to research the right foods and organize them into enjoyable, fat-burning meals can take hours each week. And, that doesn’t even take into consideration what to do if you have a question? Where do you find a trusted answer in the craziness of the Internet?
My coaching program takes care of all of those overwhelming tasks for you.

Save $30! Use Coupon Code FREEDOM30 at Checkout. Today’s Price $97 Just $67 for a full year of access!
Hurry, Sale Ends Sunday, September 11th!
Knowing What to Eat Is One Piece of the Puzzle
Most weight loss programs tell you what to eat, but alone, that’s doesn’t solve your problem.
Knowing what to eat seems like it should be the solution to losing weight, but if that were true, the majority of people would be thin.
And for that matter, you probably know someone who eats all of the “wrong” foods and stays as skinny as a rail.
Food is certainly part of your weight loss journey, and I understand that from both a professional and personal viewpoint.
- My career was spent teaching college-level health and nutrition courses.
- I’ve been an on-air health consultant for an ABC television affiliate.
- I lost 60 pounds and kept the weight off for 20+ years. (The first half of my life was spent as a complete sugar addict, and I have the cavities to prove it.)
But, if your only focus is food, you’ll be a slave to the scale for the rest of your life.
The primary goal of The Freedom Program is to help you figure out how to eat and move in ways that you enjoy, so you can reach your goal and stay there comfortably.
Dr. Becky
Who is The Freedom Weight Loss Program For?
If you are ready to leave your weight problem behind and break through your barriers, for yourself and your family, but you’re unsure how to do it, then this program is what you need.
My Freedom Program is for you, if you…
- have dieted and failed in the past
- are an emotional eater or stress eater
- have a hard time getting past cravings
- have trouble staying motivated
- benefit from video learning
- want to master low-carb or keto dieting
If this is you, then please read on…
Determining if You Need Weight Loss Coaching
We all benefit from a coach, especially when it comes to breaking old habits and patterns. And this is really where my passion lies.
I love teaching weight loss because I love helping people figure out how to reach their goals.
Losing weight is such a wonderful achievement. There are a ton of reasons (i.e. you look better, you’re healthier, you gain self-confidence). But, deep down inside, one of the best things about reaching your weight loss goal is the feeling of satisfaction. “I did it!”
When you lose weight and figure out how to keep it off without having to be constantly focused, you join an elite group of individuals. It’s fun, and I want you to experience it.
I know you can do it, and it doesn’t matter if you’ve been overweight your whole life, or you’ve lost and gained the weight back many times.

Join Today using coupon code FREEDOM30 and Save $30! You’ll get a full year of access for $97 Just $67!
Hurry, Sale Ends Sunday, September 11th!
(No recurring fees.)
Freedom Health Tackles Both Problems
There are two types of problems when it comes to weight control; there’s the physical problem, and there’s a mindset problem. If both problems are not taken care of, you lose weight and gain it back again.
Is your mindset in need of a tune-up?
Well, let me ask you…
Have you ever had one of these self-sabotaging thoughts?
- I have been overweight my whole life, I’ll never change.
- I’ve already blown my diet today. I might as well give up and try again tomorrow.
- It’s rude to not eat with my friends at a party.
- People won’t like me if I’m thin.
- I’m older. People naturally put on weight with age.
- If I overeat today, I can make up for it by eating less tomorrow.
- Other’s needs come before mine. Once they’re taken care of I can take care of me.
- Dieting is not worth the effort. I’m just going to gain the weight back.
- I can lose weight later.
- I exercised. Now I can eat what I want.
Can you see why your past diet attempts have failed?
The simple fact is this: If you’re dieting, but ignoring these sabotaging thoughts, then the weight you lose will return…It’s only a matter of time.
People that effortlessly control their weight and feel relaxed around food have corrected both their physical and mindset problems and interrupted their yo-yo cycle.
Fortunately, my Freedom Health Weight Loss Program can help without having to psychoanalyze you.

Getting to Your Goal Weight
My story is a lot like yours.
Through my teens and twenties, I was absolutely addicted to food, especially sugar. And, I was 60 pounds overweight because of it.
I had two switches. I was either off sugar or on sugar – big time!
I moved from that crazed, obsessive sugar addict to the calm, confident eater I am today by interrupting my habitual loop.
Today, I’m not controlled by food. I can go to a party or go out with friends and not be focused on food.
Today, it’s easy to relax in my living room on a quiet evening without a need to snack.
I can teach you how to do this.
Introducing The Freedom Program
I put together a step-by-step video-guided coaching program to help you:
- Understand exactly how to eat to burn fat.
- Interrupt your destructive patterns to clear the path to weight loss.
- Understand what drives your cravings and hunger, so that you can outsmart them.
- Recognize the subtle cues that drag you back to your same dieting mistakes.
- Establish doable habits and then scale them up until weight control becomes something you do naturally.
As one of my program graduates put it after sharing that she and her husband lost 12 pounds each in the first 28 days:

Freedom Is The Roadmap
If permanent weight loss is your goal, you will need a roadmap that walks you through how to create the physical and mental habits that make your progress unstoppable.
With my Freedom Weight Loss Program, you’ll learn what to eat and when to eat for maximum results, and you’ll also erase the destructive thoughts that used to pull you back to your old habits.
You’ll finally understand how people keep weight off without micromanaging their diets.
Just like these past graduates of my programs…
What You’ll Receive in The Freedom Program
A weight loss program works when it’s easy-to-follow, enjoyable, and effective.
To succeed at weight loss today, you not only need the right strategies, you also need a way to make those strategies work without completely disrupting your daily routine.
Reaching your goal requires patience and a willingness to learn, but losing weight should not take over your life. If it does, you’ll quit.
From my experiences teaching students, groups, and individuals, I’ve learned how to streamline the path to success.
Inside The Weight Loss Program
My weight loss coaching program is a video-guided course that is completed in 40-day cycles so you are constantly rewarded with wins.
All of the materials are organized for you on a private website that walks you step-by-step through the process.
You Get Instant Access To Our Private Website

Daily Emails
And, the daily emails that you’ll receive make it easy to stay on track!*

Interested in a Ketogenic Diet?
The coaching program comes with a special “Going Keto” section that explains how to follow a Ketogenic diet, which is a very-low-carb/high-fat diet that accelerates fat loss.
You’ll receive a series of Keto Instructional Videos as well as Keto Meal Plans that makes meal planning easy.

These meal plans have been precisely calculated with the right mix of fat/protein/carbs to get your body into ketosis.
Learn From Videos and Written Materials
When you come inside, you have full access to videos and written materials explaining how to follow the diet plan and how to create a rock-solid mindset using my exclusive 5-step formula.
You can even download the materials to read offline:

Crystal Clear Directions
When you’re not sure how to change something in your life, do you like when someone says, “do this…now do this…”
Well, that’s exactly what you get with the Freedom Health Weight Loss Program. Every step is crystal clear, with both video and written instructions so you stay on track and reinforce your learning each week.

Join Today and Save $30! You’ll get a full year of access for $97 Just $67! Use coupon code FREEDOM30 at checkout.
Sale Ends Sunday, September 11th!
(No recurring fees.)
Here's a closer look at what's inside...
Setting Your Foundation to Success
We keep things sane and simple when you start. That’s because the easier a program is to follow, the more likely you are to grasp it and use it.

You’ll watch short videos that walk you through your diet rules. I explain exactly how to get the right mix of healthy fats, fiber, protein, and carbs for the best fat loss results and hunger control.

Removing Barriers to Success
Nothing is left out of the program. As you master eating for weight loss, you’ll be introduced to our enlightening mindset-improvement exercises. These unique and fun exercises allow you to pursue your goal with passion and enthusiasm.
This is my favorite part!
Do you remember that list of self-sabotaging thoughts you read at the top of this page? Well, in this section of our program, you’ll learn how to wipe those destructive beliefs off of your brain’s hard drive and install a new clean operating system. You’ll become a person who fully expects success.
Automatic Negative Thoughts, or ANTS (as Dr. Daniel Amen calls them in his book Change Your Brain, Change Your Life), live inside each one of us and have the ability to eat holes through your goal. As a member, you’ll learn a fool-proof way to exterminate your ANTS.
You’ll also learn one of my all-time favorite behavior modifiers. If overeating is a problem for you, you’ll use this to break away immediately and easily from your desire to eat.
Creating New Habits
Come inside our coaching program and you’ll get detailed instructions that further your understanding of what to eat and how much to eat to maximize your weight loss results.
And, you’ll learn the secrets to being unstoppable when you complete the mindset exercises and learn easy-to-implement tricks that stop overeating before it starts.
Commitment is a funny thing. It can be very strong at the beginning of your goal and then wane as the weeks go on. With our unique exercises, you weed out any hesitation about reaching your goal as you learn the simple strategies to keep your commitment strong.
Making Success Easy
To add to your success, you’ll be shown how to clean up your environment. You’ll start by taking a fun quiz to find out if the food cues that surround you are helping or hurting your efforts to lose weight.
When you’re done with the quiz, you’ll take one day to set up your home for weight loss success by completing the 10 Steps to a Cleaner Kitchen Environment checklist.
Enjoying the Journey!
Not only will you enjoy the results you see on the scale, you’ll love the many low-carb and keto recipes that you’ll have at your fingertips. Using our innovative Recipe Selector, you can sort through recipes based on your preferences (i.e. keto, dairy-free, main course…)
Building Lasting Results
You’ll receive everything you need to carry you through beneficial 40-day diet cycles.
Day 41 you take a day off, which is highly motivational. My video explains how it works.
Freedom is Simple and Easy-to-Follow
Life will not slow down so you can concentrate on reaching your goal. In fact, sometimes it feels like life is conspiring against you! But, like these members, you can stay on course, even when things don’t go as planned.

Here's a List of What You Get with The Program
There are so many resources built in the Freedom Weight Loss Coaching Program that I can’t possibly go into detail on all of them, so here’s a list of what’s included:
0,1,2,3 Diet Plan (value $37)
You’ll be provided with a downloadable copy of my 0,1,2,3 Diet Plan that provides you with the basics of how to thrive on a low-carb diet. And, if you’d like, members have an option of purchasing a paperback version of the plan (not available elsewhere).
Access to Our Exclusive Video Library (value $225)
Don’t like to read? I’ll tell you exactly what to eat. There are more than 50 exclusive videos that walk you through each step. These videos are not found on YouTube or any social media platform.
Ready-to-Follow Meal Plans (value $67)
When you want to change your weight, you need that information organized into a usable form. You need to know what to eat, which is why the meal plans are such an enormous value. And, the meal plans vary in their level of macronutrients (i.e. fat, protein, carbs) from low-carb to keto to accelerate results in even the most weight-resistant bodies!
Going Keto Section (value $24)
If you want to follow a ketogenic diet, you’ll be able to do so with ease thanks to the Keto instructional videos and meal plans that make planning your meals a snap.
The Recipe Selector (value $39)
You’ll have instant access to hundreds of program approved low-carb and keto recipes that will keep your diet interesting and motivating.
Our Member’s Only Forum (value $42)
If you’d like some encouragement and support, you’ll benefit from our exclusive forum where you’ll join hundreds of like-minded members working toward your same goal. I (Dr. Becky) pop in during the week to offer support and answer questions.
5-Step Weight Loss Mindset Training (value $47)
This is a one-of-a-kind training series that I have been developing since 2008. It has the power to turn you from an anxious junk food junkie into a peaceful and self-assured healthy eater.
A.N.T.S Extermination Plan (value $17)
Those sneaky Automatic Negative Thoughts (A.N.T.S.) that sabotaged your diets in the past don’t stand a chance as you learn how to stomp them out.
Mindless Eating Behavior Modifiers (value $17)
These easy to implement behavior modifications put you in control of any eating situation and stop overeating before it starts.
Maintenance Plan (value $25)
The program works because it’s easy-to-follow, effective and enjoyable. That’s the same way you’ll keep those pounds away when you follow our maintenance strategies.
Incomparable Value!
The value of this program is $540, yet you’ll receive a full year of access to all of the materials for just $97 $67 (through September 11th)! At the end of the year, you’ll receive an email invitation with an option to continue your membership for only $7.95/month.

FAQs & Answers
From my years as an instructor of nutrition, I know that it is not enough to lose weight, you must also eat for health and enjoyment.
I’ve formulated the recipes and meal plans to provide you with the right mix of nutrients. The diet will keep your carbs low and put an emphasis on healthy fats and fiber.
You’ll be shown how to pick foods that provide these important nutrients and taught why they are the secret to fat loss and hunger control.
You’ll be shown how to get the right amount of protein to keep you in good health and how to determine the number of calories your body needs to lose weight on a consistent basis.
The Freedom Program has you follow my 0,1,2,3 Diet Plan and the videos help to drive home exactly what to eat to maximize fat loss and hunger control.
When you join the coaching program you get the materials needed to follow both a low-carb diet plan and a ketogenic diet plan.
I (Dr. Becky) follow a low-carb diet, but my husband, Dr. Keith, follows a ketogenic diet. Many of you are familiar with my husband through our YouTube videos that document his 80-pound (36kg) weight loss success with a ketogenic diet, and you’re wondering which diet is right for you.
In the “Going Keto” section of our membership website, you’ll be taught the differences between a low-carb diet and a keto diet, so you can make an informed choice. With both diets fully developed for you, you can’t go wrong!
The meal plans are not vegan or vegetarian. While a vegetarian can follow the program, they will need to design their own meal plans.
If you prefer to avoid gluten, the plan will suit your needs. There are only a few recipes that contain oats and grains, so the majority of the recipes are naturally gluten-free.
Dr. Becky participates in the member’s only forum where she provides support and answers questions. She is unable to provide medical advice or in-depth diet analysis within the forum, but is there to answer your general questions.
Here’s The Bottom Line of The Freedom Program...
I want you to succeed. I want you to eliminate this weight issue from your life, and I want to share with you exactly how to do it without the fluff and the hype.
I know the shame and frustration of losing weight and gaining it back again. I yo-yo dieted for years before I figured out what was going on. You can figure this out as well; you just need a system to walk you through how to do it.
The Freedom Health Weight Loss Program takes you every step of the way. It saves you so much time and aggravation.
I know my program works because it has worked for me and it has worked for my clients.

And here’s the thing I want to emphasize to you…time doesn’t wait.
If you choose to walk away and NOT join Freedom Health, then 40 days from now, you’ll wish you had started today.
Pass on this opportunity and instead of getting the formula for fat loss and exterminating those automatic negative thoughts that pull you back to your old habits, you’ll still be fighting to keep every pound off.
The point is this: you can start today knowing nothing and in 40 days have a brand new success mindset that keeps your weight off without any conscious effort whatsoever.
Save $30 Today! Use coupon code FREEDOM30 at checkout. Click the button below to get started.
(Just $97 $67 (through September 11th) for a full year of access! No recurring fees.)
Is Easy, Enjoyable, and Effective Weight Control Something You’ve Been Wanting?
Do you want to be able to go out to dinner with friends and be focused on them, not the food?
Do you want to feel relaxed in the evenings, instead of locked in a nightly battle with burdensome thoughts of binging on junk food?
If so, then take advantage of this rare chance to wipe out both your physical and mindset challenges.
Time doesn’t wait, start today and in 40 days you’ll feel unstoppable. I stand behind that statement with a full guarantee.
Here it is: the cost of a full year of access to Freedom Weight Loss Program is $97.00 $67 today!
If you decide you want your money back from me anytime during the next 10 days after your purchase, just request a refund.
It’s that simple. No questions asked. No hassles. No delays. I’ll send it back to you just as quickly as you sent it to me. That seems only fair.
You’ll get a full year of access for just $97 $67 when you use code FREEDOM30! After one year, you’ll receive an email invitation with an option to continue your membership for only $7.95/month.
I want to end this letter with a few more comments from people, just like you, who have worked with me in the past. They say it better than I ever could.
What people have said about working with Dr. Becky:

P.S. If you’ve struggled with yo-yo dieting in the past, you’ve had trouble staying motivated, or you are an emotional eater, then this program is ideal for you.
P.P.S You can contact my team at any time if you have questions, by emailing The Freedom Weight Loss Program works, and I stake my reputation on it! If you have any questions, even before you purchase the plan, feel free to send an email and we will give you the attention you need.
Save $30! Today’s Price $97 Just $67 for a full year of access!
Coupon Code: FREEDOM30. Hurry, Sale Ends Sunday, September 11th!
Disclaimer: As with all diet programs, it is required that we identify that any testimonials do not necessarily represent typical results. Your effort will determine your results.
You’ll receive one full year of membership for just $97 $67! There are no automatic or recurring costs. At the end of the year, you’ll receive an email invitation with an option to continue your membership for only $7.95/month.
*Because email delivery is dependent on member’s service provider, delivery of program emails cannot be guaranteed. However, all of the emails are provided for you within the program’s table of contents.