4 Sayings That Will Change Your Diet Destiny

4 Sayings That Will Change Your Diet Destiny

Video | Convenience | Stress | Failure | When? | Takeaway

Whether you have 5 pounds to lose, 25 pounds, 50 pounds, or more, it will take time. I have many blog posts on how to get the most out of your fat loss efforts. You can find them in my blog archives.

But, if your past experience with dieting has been subpar up to this point, read this post, get these four sayings running through your head, and watch what happens. 

4 Diet Sayings – At-A-Glance

  • Convenience Can Be a Curse. Eating healthy is not always convenient. But it will end frustrating results and save you from going around the same mountain again and again.
  • It’s Time to Empty My Stress Bucket. Is life starting to feel heavy? Look at the level of your stress bucket and take action now to drain it before it derails your goal. 
  • Fallback is Not Failure. We all have moments of weakness. It’s how quickly you recover that counts. 
  • If Not Now, When? No cookie out there is more enjoyable than living in a body that feels right. Don’t settle for the meager crumbs of life. Go for freedom. 

4 Sayings That Will Change Your Diet Destiny [Video]

In this video, you’ll learn…

  • Four sayings to remember throughout your day!
  • Further explanations for each saying.
  • How to incorporate these sayings into your life!

Saying #1: Convenience Can Be a Curse

What a wonderful world it would be if a grab-and-go candy bar was a weight loss accelerator, fast food meals were ultra-healthy, and chugging an energy drink was truly the secret to a fulfilling and energized life.  

Those items not only taste good but are super convenient, and who doesn’t love that?

Of course, when we consider processed meals and snacks, that convenience can be a curse. 

Modern-day convenience foods contain the magical combination of sugar, fat, and salt that keeps you coming back for more. 

Saying #1: Convenience Can Be a Curse

These processed and refined foods and drinks have been engineered to increase your appetite, making it hard to tell the difference between needing nourishment (aka true hunger) and manufactured cravings (aka false hunger).

It’s not convenient to pack your own healthy snacks, cook meals at home, and slow down when everything around you is moving so fast. 

But, when you take side steps in the name of convenience, you’ll be frustrated with your results and find yourself going around the same mountain month after month and year after year. 

Saying #2: It’s Time to Empty My Stress Bucket

My husband and daughter lovingly roll their eyes at me when I share my stress bucket philosophy with them, but I maintain that it has merit. Here it is. You can be the judge. 

One of the main reasons for quitting a diet is that life got too stressful. There was just too much going on to keep healthy eating as a priority. 

Stress is hard to deal with, and life will never be completely free of stress. Fortunately, as humans, we are capable of handling a certain amount of stress without appreciable consequences. How much you can handle depends on your stress bucket. 

Imagine that there is a bucket inside of you. Stressful things get put in your bucket and slowly fill it up. 

Some of these stressors are ongoing, such as worry about the health of a loved one. Others are temporary, such as slow traffic or a rude clerk at the coffee shop. And others build over time, such as clutter on your desk and that uncomfortable email that you just can’t bring yourself to write.  

These stressors are challenging, but as long as they fit inside your stress bucket, you are OK and feel capable of taking on life improvement goals, like healthy eating. 

But if you don’t keep an eye on your stress bucket, it can fill up to the very top. At this point, you’re living on the edge. One more stressor will cause your bucket to overflow, and now you’re in trouble. 

Your brain and body ramp up, and you go into survival mode. In this state, any desire to keep eating healthy flies out the window. You just need a stress reliever, and that donut in the breakroom looks like it will do the job. 

Understanding that you have a stress bucket inside of you helps you avoid these moments. All you need to do is become aware of how full your stress bucket is getting. And you can feel that. An uncomfortable energy builds inside when you are too full of stress.

When you become aware, take a step back and drain your bucket. That might be as simple as cleaning up your cluttered desk or sending that email you need to send. Or maybe it means slowing down your pace and taking time to relax, even for a few minutes, or simply changing the scenery by walking outside to throw something away in an outdoor trash bin. 

If you can do that – and you can – you will not derail your diet like you did before. 

Stress will always be there. When it gets to be too much, remind yourself that it is time to empty your stress bucket. 

This has been such a useful philosophy for me to live by, and it has really helped me tackle some very big and intimidating goals. Does it work 100% of the time? No. 

Sometimes, I let stress build up. Other times, life throws me something that takes up a lot of space in my bucket, and I fall back into patterns that I’m not proud of. For those times, I remind myself that fallback is not failure.

Saying #3: Fallback is Not Failure

This is the third saying to keep in mind. I could lengthen it to say, ‘fallback is not failure; it’s how quickly you recover that counts.’ 

Creating a way of eating that is easy-to-follow, enjoyable, and effective (my 3E’s) takes trial and error, and it takes practice. 

We don’t pick up a set of golf clubs at a yard sale, go to the driving range one time, and expect to be a good golfer. But we do this with dieting.

Changing your diet requires you to shop differently, make new, unfamiliar recipes, and change old ways of doing things. Those things take time and attention, and you will not always get it right. If you fall back, make it temporary, get right back on track with the next meal, and let it go. 

If you do the opposite and hold on to a failure mindset, you’ll be less inclined to maintain a healthy lifestyle and more inclined to do what’s convenient and easy.

That brings us to our fourth saying: If not now, when? 

Saying #4: If Not Now, When? 

If you only remember one of these sayings, remember this one. If not now, when? 

There is so much freedom that comes from living in a body that feels right and is capable of letting you live the life you want to live. That reality is possible, but it requires your attention, and it requires eating healthy foods. 

Seventy percent of the foods in our grocery stores are processed foods. Fast food restaurants are everywhere, and convenience stores are open around the clock. 

Saying #4: If Not Now, When? 

These unhealthy food choices are not going away. But that’s OK. Because you don’t need them, and if you apply some willpower today and eat a whole-food diet long enough, you will no longer desire them. 

That is not hyperbole. Many people have found this freedom. See the comment section under the YouTube video accompanying this post for stories from others about how their lives improved once they committed to change.


Four sayings. Write them down and post them somewhere you’ll see them a few times a day. 

Saying #1: Convenience Can Be a Curse 

Eating healthy is not always convenient. But it will end frustrating results and save you from going around the same mountain again and again.

Saying #2: It’s Time to Empty My Stress Bucket 

Is life starting to feel heavy? Look at the level of your stress bucket and take action now to drain it before it derails your goal. 

Saying #3: Fallback is Not Failure

We all do it. It’s how quickly you recover that counts. 

Saying #4: If Not Now, When? 

There is no cookie out there that is more enjoyable than living in a body that feels right. Don’t settle for the meager crumbs of life. Go for freedom. 

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week!

About the Author

Becky Gillaspy, DC, is the author of The Intermittent Fasting Guide and Cookbook and Zero Sugar / One Month. She graduated Summa Cum Laude with research honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991.

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