Metabolic Syndrome? Timing When You Eat Might Help

Video | Study | Why TRE Works | Calories | Food Choices | “Exercise Snacks” | Takeaway

The five criteria of metabolic syndrome include a large waist circumference, high blood pressure, high blood glucose, high triglycerides, and low HDL cholesterol. When at least three of these conditions are present, metabolic syndrome is diagnosed. 

An excessive intake of unhealthy foods is a primary contributing factor to metabolic syndrome. Calorie restriction mitigates this problem. However, success requires consistent adherence to a calorie deficit over a long period of time. 

If restricting calories hasn’t worked for you, timing when you eat might help. 

That is according to a brand new, well-designed study. This blog post shares how time-restricted eating with or without calorie restriction improves metabolic markers and how you can do what the study participants did to get similar results for yourself. 

Read More “Metabolic Syndrome? Timing When You Eat Might Help”

How to STOP EATING After Dinner (& Feel Comfortable Doing It)

Video | Protein Before Dinner | Stoppers | Floss After Dinner | Allow Breakfast | Know Your Limit

Stop eating after dinner, and you’ll improve insulin sensitivity and encourage your body to burn stored body fat as you sleep. But moving through those evening hours without food can be challenging because of expectations, established habits, and cravings. In this blog post, we’re going to take the pressure off those post-dinner hours and learn how to navigate them comfortably without the calories.

Read More “How to STOP EATING After Dinner (& Feel Comfortable Doing It)”

Fasting Doesn’t Work [Without These 4 Things]

Video | The Fasting Paradox | Craving Triggers | Hydration | Short Fasts | Understanding Hunger 

Intermittent fasting is the practice of consuming your daily calories during a shortened eating window. Doing this helps you stabilize blood sugar levels and naturally reduce your calorie intake, leading to more efficient weight loss. 

The challenge is that to get the benefits, you have to train your body to comfortably go for long periods without food. That is not a small obstacle, given today’s 24/7 access to highly appetizing foods. But anyone can achieve it with the right approach. This blog post shares four things that must be in place for fasting to work for you.  

Read More “Fasting Doesn’t Work [Without These 4 Things]”

Hunger – When to Eat | When to Fast

Video | True Hunger vs. False Hunger | Using a Hunger Scale | Fasting Schedules | Metabolic Flexibility

The average person’s daily calorie consumption has increased by 24 percent since the 1960s (1).

Many factors contribute to this calorie explosion, from the processing of foods to the three-meal-a-day plus snacks mindset, to external cues that make us want to eat even when we aren’t hungry, think the late-night pizza commercial and the smell of fresh-baked cookies. 

These extraneous factors make it very hard to tell the difference between true hunger, which is driven by your body’s physiological need for fuel, and false hunger, which is driven by other factors, including habits, routines, whims, and scarcity.

Learn how to tell the difference, and you create an effortless way to cut out hundreds of unneeded calories each day. 

This blog post shares my hunger scale so you have a tool to help you gauge when to eat and when to fast. And I’ll share the trick for staying in the middle range so you move through your day feeling satisfied. 

Read More “Hunger – When to Eat | When to Fast”

Belly Fat, Insulin Resistance, and a Hack to Beat Them Both

Video | Belly Fat & Insulin Resistance | The Tools You’ll Need | The “How-To” | Extra Tips

Whether you are a man or a woman, the deep fat that builds up in your belly greatly increases your risk of insulin resistance (1).

In fact, when scientists surgically removed 18% of the belly fat in obese mice, their insulin sensitivity improved, and their onset of diabetes was delayed (2).

This is not a blog post on how to surgically remove belly fat, and we are not mice, but I do have a daily strategy that you can use to fight back against belly fat and insulin resistance. Best of all, you can start doing this today.  

Read More “Belly Fat, Insulin Resistance, and a Hack to Beat Them Both”

Why 3 Meals a Day May Be 1 Meal TOO Many

Video | Are 3 Meals OK? | How-to | Hunger? | Benefits

Whether you are recovering from a binge, getting back on track after the holidays, or simply looking for a weight loss edge, reducing your food intake to two meals a day is an effective strategy. Surprisingly, you may also enjoy it. This blog post shows you how breaking away from the three-meal-a-day mindset can help you reach your weight loss goal. 

Read More “Why 3 Meals a Day May Be 1 Meal TOO Many”

Things EVERY Beginner to Fasting Does Wrong

Video | Starvation? | Electrolytes | Eat Anything/Everything | Calorie Creep | Too Much Too Soon | Unhealthy? | Takeaway

It was 2010 when I first heard about using fasting for better health and weight loss, and I thought the idea was nuts. Fast forward ten years, and I wrote a book detailing the many benefits of fasting. Every beginner comes into this practice with their own thoughts and ideas. Some of them are accurate, and some are not. This blog post discusses what things beginners get wrong when they start intermittent fasting. 

Read More “Things EVERY Beginner to Fasting Does Wrong”

Get Our FREE Guide to Fasting!

Finding the right fasting routine for your body and lifestyle takes time. If you’d like to avoid common fasting mistakes and find ways to make fasting easier, I encourage you to download this FREE guide!

Get your FREE “How-To” guide to fasting here!

Fasting Guide

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