Video | Jump to Recipe | Pizza Casserole | Fajitas | Tacos | Chili | Burgers
You love eating low-carb, and it is working for you as far as weight loss, blood sugar control, and mental clarity, but you cannot get your family members to adopt your new lifestyle.
It is a common challenge, and the last thing you want to do is cook two dinners every night. This blog post gives you an easy-to-cook recipe to meet your low-carb needs and your family’s higher-carb requests.
And, if you like this recipe, read on for four more meal ideas that can be converted from low-carb-friendly to family-friendly in one step.
Read More “Low-Carb Pizza Casserole to Pasta Pizza Casserole – Family Solution”
Video | Bright Foods | High-fat Plants | Animal Protein | Dietary Liver Toxins
Our world is filled with toxins. We eat them, breathe them, and even make them inside our bodies. But do we need a special detox program to right these wrongs? Detox diets and supplements promise big rewards for minimal effort.
These claims are big and attractive, but ping that little voice inside your head that says, “This sounds too good to be true.” The good news is that you are designed to detox because of your internal detox machine (aka your liver).
I am often asked what I eat in a day. In this blog post, I share what I ate yesterday and how you can use those same foods to reach your health and weight loss goals.
Read More “Forget Detox…THIS is MORE Enjoyable and Effective”
Video | Recipe Steps | Jump to Recipe | Cooking Tricks | Side Dish Ideas
This comment was posted under one of my YouTube videos, “I hate cooking. This is why I can’t ever stick to a healthy diet because a lot requires some type of cooking. ugh”
Can you relate?
I want to show you that cooking does not need to be time-consuming, difficult, or include a bunch of ingredients that you’ve never heard of before.
In fact, if you can smoosh ingredients together and stick them in the oven, you can be eating a healthy meal in less than 30 minutes that is keto and kid-friendly. Here we go.
Read More “Easy Keto Chicken Tenders – Smoosh, Cook, Eat “
Jump to Recipe | Video | ADF Routines | 500 Calorie Recipe Details
As the name implies, alternate day fasts are performed by alternating between fasting and non-fasting days. In the purest sense, a fast means that you completely abstain from consuming calories. However, modified versions of alternate day routines allow you to consume about 500 calories on your fasting days.
This modified way of eating is growing in popularity because it is doable and produces weight loss results. In this post, I share a hearty 500 calories recipe that is filled with hunger-satisfying nutrients.
Read More “500 Calorie Alternate Day Fasting Recipe”