Cholesterol and Keto Simplified

Video | Understanding Cholesterol | Cholesterol Uses | Inflammation and Cholesterol | LDL Particle Size | What to Do

A paper published in 2022 shows low-carb dieting to be beneficial for 12 of 13 cardiovascular risk factors (1).

The one outlier is LDL cholesterol, which can increase on a low-carb or keto diet. Why does that happen, and is it a deal breaker when it comes to following a keto diet? This blog post addresses those questions and builds your understanding of cholesterol. 

Read More “Cholesterol and Keto Simplified”

Test Your Carb Tolerance with a Saltine Cracker?

Video | Salivary Amylase (AMY 1 gene) | The Cracker Test | Test Analysis | Blood Sugar Response | How You Feel

How many carbs can you eat daily to maintain or lose weight? An unsalted cracker might just tell you the answer. That is according to Dr. Sharon Moalem, who proposed in his book, The DNA Restart, that the speed at which a saltine cracker breaks down in your mouth determines how well your body breaks down carbohydrates and, therefore, how many you can eat in a day without suffering consequences like weight gain. 

You might be thinking, that sounds silly. I agree. It does sound silly. But I listened to his book and his argument and was intrigued enough to eat a few crackers. 

If you are also intrigued, read on, learn the mechanism behind the experiment, and try it at home.

Read More “Test Your Carb Tolerance with a Saltine Cracker?”

The Symptoms of High Cortisol and How It Makes You Gain Weight

Video | Understanding Cortisol | Cortisol and Fat Storage | Symptoms | Testing | Management | Takeaway

Weight gain, particularly around the abdomen, high blood pressure, mood swings, and fatigue.

These are just some of the signs of high cortisol, the hormone commonly referred to as the stress hormone. 

At normal levels, it performs vital functions necessary for survival. However, if it is chronically elevated, it can block fat loss and encourage fat gain. This blog post explains how chronically high cortisol affects your body, an at-home test to see if your cortisol levels are out of whack, and ways to manage cortisol for better health. 

Read More “The Symptoms of High Cortisol and How It Makes You Gain Weight”

A Simple Trick to Boost Insulin Sensitivity: Eat This Second (NOT First)

Video | Food Order | How to Use Food Ordering | Pro Tip

As it turns out, Mom was right. You do have to eat your meal before you get dessert. But Mom didn’t fully understand how right she was until a group of people with type 2 diabetes were studied to see how the order in which they ate food affected their blood sugar levels. 

In this blog post, I share the results and show you how you can use this simple strategy to improve your insulin sensitivity at every meal. 

Read More “A Simple Trick to Boost Insulin Sensitivity: Eat This Second (NOT First)”

Move From Metabolic Syndrome to Metabolic Health – 4 Things That Make a Difference

Video | Metabolism | Metabolic Syndrome | Fructose | Diet | Fasting | Exercise | Takeaway

A metabolic disorder is when something goes wrong with your metabolism, making it difficult for your cells to access the fuel you eat or the energy stored within your body. 

When disorders of the metabolism get a foothold, they can progress to conditions such as insulin resistance, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and type 2 diabetes. But this progression can be short-circuited. This blog post gives you the parameters to understand your current metabolic health and practical ways to improve it.   

Read More “Move From Metabolic Syndrome to Metabolic Health – 4 Things That Make a Difference”

You May Have Insulin Resistance If…

Video | Belly Fat | Skin Tags | Dark Skin Patches | Soda | Refined Carbs | Frequent Eating | Sedentary Lifestyle | Steps to Reduce Insulin Resistance | Takeaway

When insulin resistance is present, insulin cannot efficiently move sugar out of your blood and into your cells. This makes weight loss difficult because the resulting high blood sugar and insulin levels block fat loss and make you feel tired and hungry. If it is allowed to progress, this resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes. 

A full diagnosis requires blood work, but there are markers that you can see on your body or that are revealed through your diet and lifestyle that may indicate that you have insulin resistance. This blog post shares what they are and what to do if you have them. 

Read More “You May Have Insulin Resistance If…”

6 Low Carb Foods That Ease Anxiety

Video | Fatty Fish | Dark Chocolate | Almonds | Yogurt | Blueberries | Eggs

Anxiety is a growing concern among all age groups. There are natural remedies for reducing anxiety. Exercise will work, and breathing techniques may help, but what about food? 

There are foods that provide the brain with nutrients that lower anxiety symptoms. And the good news for low-carb dieters is that the anxiety-easing foods I’m about to share have fewer than 10 carbs per serving.

Read More “6 Low Carb Foods That Ease Anxiety”

Get Our FREE Guide to Fasting!

Finding the right fasting routine for your body and lifestyle takes time. If you’d like to avoid common fasting mistakes and find ways to make fasting easier, I encourage you to download this FREE guide!

Get your FREE “How-To” guide to fasting here!

Fasting Guide

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