Menopause, Belly Fat, and Insulin Resistance – Stop the 1 Pound-a-Year Weight Gain

Video | Why Weight Gain? | IR and Belly Fat | Improving? | Carbohydrates | Fasting | Exercise

As women reach middle age, many will gain about 1 pound (0.5kg) a year (1).

This steady increase in weight is attributed to age rather than menopause itself. However, the transition into menopause has an unwelcome effect on body composition, with accelerated gains in fat mass (often showing up in the belly) and losses of lean mass (2).

So, even if the scale is not changing, your body composition and fat distribution may be.

Improving insulin sensitivity, while not a cure-all, gives you a way to mitigate these changes, and you can achieve that by making insulin’s job easier. I will show you how in this blog. 

Read More “Menopause, Belly Fat, and Insulin Resistance – Stop the 1 Pound-a-Year Weight Gain”

Weight Loss Mistakes Over 50

Video | Hidden Ingredients | Snack Alternatives | Ignoring Fat | Underestimating Refined Carbs | Late Night Eating

Losing weight after the age of 50 is a worthwhile goal and certainly within your ability. However, there are some traps that are easy to fall into and can leave you spinning your wheels. There is nothing worse than putting in the effort and not seeing results. This blog post shines a light on a few things that are easy to overlook and how subtle shifts can yield better results.

Read More “Weight Loss Mistakes Over 50”

Menopause Belly Fat is Real but Not Your Reality with These 3 Things

Video | Cause of Menopause Belly Fat | Intermittent Fasting | Reducing Carbs | Find Your “Why”

Menopause brings hormonal changes that impact how a woman’s body stores fat and uses calories. As a result, many women notice that they gain weight more quickly after menopause and that weight gain is mainly around their waist. From firsthand experience, I can say that these changes are not welcome.

However, it is what it is, and while these changes are real, they do not have to be your reality. In this post, I share three things you can start doing tonight to get rid of menopause belly fat.  

Read More “Menopause Belly Fat is Real but Not Your Reality with These 3 Things”

Jump Start Weight Loss Over 50 [Do This Today]

Video | Weight Loss Challenges Over 50 | Exercise Tips | Eating Tips | Thinking Tips | Takeaway

If you are over the age of 50, the chances are good that you have followed diet or exercise routines designed to help you lose weight. Some of those efforts may have been successful. It would make sense to repeat what worked in the past. However, what if you can’t find the motivation to get started?

What if what worked in the past is not working now? In this blog post, I share four things you can do today to get your eating, moving, and thinking on track so you can jump start your weight loss.

Read More “Jump Start Weight Loss Over 50 [Do This Today]”

L-Carnitine for Weight Loss – Transcript

Keith has lost more than 62 pounds in the past 28 weeks. Most of this progress is attributed to following his ketogenic diet, but he has also been testing supplements for weight loss.

In this video, we will share information on a supplement Keith takes called L-carnitine for weight loss benefits.

We will also address whether or not L-carnitine is the right supplement for you!

Read More “L-Carnitine for Weight Loss – Transcript”

Menopause – A Weight Gain Perfect Storm and What to Do About It

Video | Calorie Needs | Belly Fat | How to Lose Weight | Takeaway 

I often refer to menopause as The Perfect Storm for weight gain because at that time in a woman’s life there are many factors that converge to encourage weight gain. We cannot change everything, but we can change enough to interrupt the storm and reverse the consequences. In this post, I explain what we are up against and what we can do to get in control.

Read More “Menopause – A Weight Gain Perfect Storm and What to Do About It”

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Finding the right fasting routine for your body and lifestyle takes time. If you’d like to avoid common fasting mistakes and find ways to make fasting easier, I encourage you to download this FREE guide!

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