Low Carb Strategies for Summer Weight Loss

Video | Daily Salad | Stoppers | Cookouts | Low Carb Condiments | Fasting 

Summer! It is a wonderful time of year with more activity, more daylight, and more picnics and social events. This change of pace is welcome but can throw your diet into a tailspin. This blog post shares a few tricks that I use, and you can use to keep your weight loss progress going strong throughout the warm months of summer.

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Anti-Inflammatory Diet – Sample Menu & Recipes [Low Carb]

Video | Anti-Inflammatory Foods List | Sample Menu | Breakfast | Lunch | Snack | Dinner | Dessert | Menu Nutrition Facts

Inflammation is part of your body’s natural immune response. However, there is a difference between the short-term inflammatory response that happens when your body is healing a cut or infection and long-term chronic inflammation resulting from a poor diet. 

Chronic inflammation is the root cause of many diseases and starts to show itself in a variety of ways. If you are bothered by aches, pains, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and unexplained weight gain, an anti-inflammatory diet is worth your while. This blog post shows you which foods to eat and how to put them together for a full day of eating. 

Read More “Anti-Inflammatory Diet – Sample Menu & Recipes [Low Carb]”

8 Inflammatory Foods That You’re Addicted To!

Video | Inflammatory Foods List | Added Sugar | HFCS | Artificial Sweeteners | Hydrogenated Oils | Trans Fats 

You can’t put your finger on it, but something doesn’t feel right. You’ve been tired. Your joints ache. Your weight loss has stalled, and you just can’t shake your melancholy mood. If this is you, your diet may be taking you down the wrong path. 

Freedom from disease and uncomfortable symptoms is not only about eating more healthy foods; avoiding harmful foods is equally important. That is easier said than done when the foods that are causing harm are the same ones that top the list of addictive foods. This post will reveal eight inflammatory and addictive foods to avoid to feel better. 

Read More “8 Inflammatory Foods That You’re Addicted To!”

What Can I Drink While Fasting?

Video | Water | Carbonated Water | No-calorie Sweetened Water | Lemon Water | Coconut Water | Coffee & Tea | Cream, Milk, Half-and-Half | Coffee Fats (Coconut Oil, MCT Oil, Butter, Ghee) | Coffee Sweeteners (Honey, Agave, Sugar & Substitutes) | Diet Soda & Energy Drinks | ACV | Bone Broth

When you fast, you don’t eat. But can you drink? And if so, what can you drink while fasting? In this blog post, we’ll go over which drinks get the green light, which ones get the red light, and the ones that fall in between. 

Read More “What Can I Drink While Fasting?”

Get Our FREE Guide to Fasting!

Finding the right fasting routine for your body and lifestyle takes time. If you’d like to avoid common fasting mistakes and find ways to make fasting easier, I encourage you to download this FREE guide!

Get your FREE “How-To” guide to fasting here!

Fasting Guide

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Make Low Carb Simple!

Download a list of 100 low-carb foods for free!

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