Programmed to Overeat: 6 Reasons You Do It & How to Stop It

Video | Eating Stimulates Appetite | Brain’s Reward Center | ATP Trapping | Sensory Specific Satiety | Decision Fatigue | Low Blood Sugar

You need food to survive so your body has built-in mechanisms that encourage you to eat. That is a good thing. However, in this world where high-calorie, low-nutrient foods are available 24/7, it is easy to breeze past survival and overeat. Over time, you can develop conditions that impact your appetite.

With that said, for this blog post, we’ll focus on the built-in eating mechanisms that are programmed into every one of us and provide you with a few simple tweaks that will allow you to survive and thrive in our modern world without overeating. 

Read More “Programmed to Overeat: 6 Reasons You Do It & How to Stop It”

3 Ways to Do 2 Meals a Day: Short, Early, & Long

Video | Short Method | Early Method | Hunger? | Long Method

If you would like a weight loss edge, a 2 meal a day eating pattern may be just what you are looking for. Restricting your food intake to two daily meals allows your body to rest between eating. Those rest periods help keep insulin levels low, which is a state that encourages fat loss.

On top of that, having clearly defined eating windows eliminates mindless snacking, further encouraging weight loss. This blog post shares three ways to structure your eating day so you can benefit from this weight loss accelerator. 

Read More “3 Ways to Do 2 Meals a Day: Short, Early, & Long”

Happy Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Sugar 

Video | Is Sugar-Free Possible? | Sugar Becomes Too Sweet | Brain & Taste Bud Changes | Sugar-Free Experiment | Health Benefits | Can You Ever Eat Sugar? 

I’ve heard it said that motivation is generated in two ways. We are either running away from something we don’t want or running toward something we do want. The media is very good at highlighting the horrors of a high-sugar diet that we want to avoid.

The challenge with these fear-filled headlines is that they cause us to feel anxious, which can easily push us into the comforting arms of sugary treats like cookies, cakes, and candies. In this blog post, we’ll take the road less traveled and discuss why a sugar-free life is a wonderful thing, and I’ll use comments from viewers on my YouTube Channel to prove it. 

Read More “Happy Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Sugar “

Get Our FREE Guide to Fasting!

Finding the right fasting routine for your body and lifestyle takes time. If you’d like to avoid common fasting mistakes and find ways to make fasting easier, I encourage you to download this FREE guide!

Get your FREE “How-To” guide to fasting here!

Fasting Guide

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