High Protein Plant Foods – What You Can Learn From A Gorilla
They’re big. They’re strong. They eat plants. Hmmm?
Here’s what you can learn about eating high protein plant foods from a gorilla.
Gorillas don’t eat meat.
So where do they get the protein their bodies need to grow so big and strong?
Well, they basically eat a lot of salad…all day long (with a few termites added in for flavor).
According to a research group that followed gorillas around Uganda, the average great ape’s protein intake (mostly from eating leaves) is around 17%…
That’s the same amount the American Heart Association recommends that you get.
Plant Foods High In Protein
Most people underestimate how much protein they get from plant-based foods.
In fact…
Calorie for calorie, there’s more protein in broccoli than steak.
Not a fan of broccoli or tree leaves? No worries.
There are plenty of other plant-based superfoods that will fill your body with protein:
-Lentils (18g protein/cup)
-Beans (15g protein in 1 cup, cooked)
-Peas (8g protein in 1 cup)
-Nuts & Seeds (7-9g protein in a ¼ cup)
-Quinoa (7-9g in a ½ cup, cooked)
-Spinach (5g in 1 cup, cooked)
About the Author
Dr. Becky Gillaspy, DC graduated Summa Cum Laude with research honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991.