Why Low Carb and Fasting Work Well Together

Video | Insulin and Fat Storage | Food Choices | Low Carb + Fasting Advantage

Following a low-carb diet puts your body in a hormonal state that favors fat burning. Intermittent fasting also puts your body in a hormonal state that favors fat burning. When you combine the two, you give body fat a one-two punch and accelerate your results. In this post, I explain how it works.

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Can You Have Nuts on a Low Carb Diet? How Many?

Video | Benefits of Nuts | Carb Count for Nuts | Raw vs Roasted | Peanuts | How Many to Eat | Takeaway

Nuts are packed with nutrients, many of which can be lacking in a low-carb diet. But, are they okay for you to eat, and if so, how many can you eat? I’ll tackle those questions in this post.

Read More “Can You Have Nuts on a Low Carb Diet? How Many?”

4 Low Carb, Dairy Free Swaps for Milk or Cream

Comparison Chart | Video | Nut Milks | Seed Milks | Coconut Milk | Coconut Cream 

Dairy foods can be a satisfying part of a low-carb, high-fat diet, but if you do not tolerate cow’s milk or you choose to avoid it, here are four low-carb, dairy free swaps you can make.

Read More “4 Low Carb, Dairy Free Swaps for Milk or Cream”

Dr. Becky’s 3 Es and How They Help You Lose Weight

Video | Origin Story | Using Dr. Becky’s 3 Es 

My first YouTube video was published in January of 2012. Since then, I’ve posted hundreds of videos and created programs with one common theme – how to lose weight.

I’m going to share what I consider to be the fundamental elements of weight loss. When you have these elements in place, you stick with your plan and reach your goal; without them, you go back to your old habits. I called them my 3Es. In this post, I share what they are and how they will help you lose weight.

Read More “Dr. Becky’s 3 Es and How They Help You Lose Weight”

Low-Carb Dieting 101- 5 Common Mistakes

VideoSummary | Takeaway

When you reduce your carb intake, you switch your metabolism from being a good sugar burner to being a good fat burner. But, that switch does not happen overnight.

If you’re not prepared for the transition, or you make eating mistakes, you can miss the mark and not get the progress. In this post, I share five common low carb diet mistakes.

Read More “Low-Carb Dieting 101- 5 Common Mistakes”

Menopause – A Weight Gain Perfect Storm and What to Do About It

Video | Calorie Needs | Belly Fat | How to Lose Weight | Takeaway 

I often refer to menopause as The Perfect Storm for weight gain because at that time in a woman’s life there are many factors that converge to encourage weight gain. We cannot change everything, but we can change enough to interrupt the storm and reverse the consequences. In this post, I explain what we are up against and what we can do to get in control.

Read More “Menopause – A Weight Gain Perfect Storm and What to Do About It”

Get Our FREE Guide to Fasting!

Finding the right fasting routine for your body and lifestyle takes time. If you’d like to avoid common fasting mistakes and find ways to make fasting easier, I encourage you to download this FREE guide!

Get your FREE “How-To” guide to fasting here!

Fasting Guide

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Download a list of 100 low-carb foods for free!

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