Today you enter DAY 2 of the 7 Day-Junk Foods to Super Foods Challenge.
Much like DAY 1, today you will be ADDING foods, not subtracting.
On DAY 2 you will Add 3 pieces (servings) of fruit to your typical diet.
- Add Whole Fruits (fresh or frozen) or prepare one of our recommended fruit dishes
- Continue to eat 1 pound of non-starchy veggies
There is no need for anything else to change at this time.
I hope you are finding this a new and enjoyable approach to dieting.
Most diets have you eliminate your favorite foods overnight, which leads to massive overwhelm.
Changing your diet drastically, without a “ramping up” period, as you are doing with the 7 Day-Junk Foods to Super Foods Challenge, is not only mentally challenging but also physically challenging on your digestive system.
By the end of this week, you will be eating plenty of high-fiber foods. This may not be typical of your current diet and if you were to add a ton of fiber in just one day, your body would rebel.
It is a strange phenomenon, but the body adapts to whatever diet you are feeding it.
If your typical diet is mostly unhealthy processed foods and refined carbohydrates, your body has gotten used to handling them.
This doesn’t mean these foods become good for you, but your body does figure out how to deal with them. Of course, this often means turning many of the foods into body fat.
If you were to go from a Typical Junk Food Diet to a Super Foods Diet overnight…
i.e. changing your diet from processed foods and simple sugars to mostly fruits, veggies, beans, whole grains, poultry, fish and nuts
…your body would let you know it was too soon.
How would your body let you know?
Well, let’s just say it could lead to some unpleasant and quick visits to the rest room.
DAY 2 gives your body a chance to start thinking you are serious about giving it more fiber and your body will start to gently shift to a better metabolism.
How to Keep Your Diet Sane and Simple on DAY 2
One suggestion for today is to make a pot of Beef Vegetable Soup for dinner. This is a satisfying meal that will let you meet at least part of your veggie requirements for the day.
And, since red meat is still allowed on DAY 2, Beef Vegetable Soup can be a great ‘transition recipe’.
What you will hopefully start to realize by the end of today is that adding high-fiber foods to your diet fills up your belly.
You may have heard diet gurus boast about how you won’t want to eat so much junk food if you fill your belly with fiber. You may not have believed these claims in the past, possibly because you tried to change your diet overnight and your cravings overshadowed your true hunger.
By slowly adding more high-quality foods each day of our 7 Day Challenge, you will have time to understand how a healthy diet does actually wipe out junk food cravings.
Alright, you are ready to go! Add 3 fruits and have a pound of non-veggies on DAY 2 of the challenge and let me know what is on your mind in the comment section below.
About the Author
Dr. Becky Gillaspy, DC graduated Summa Cum Laude with research honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic in 1991.