How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar Taste Good – We Tested 4 Ways
Apple cider vinegar tastes awful, but it has great health benefits! In this post, we try four popular apple cider vinegar concoctions.
Which ACV Drink Passed the Taste Test?
- ACV diluted with water only – 2 Thumbs Down
- ACV with Water, Lemon Juice, Salt, & Stevia – 2 Thumbs Up
- ACV with Warm Water, Cinnamon, and Stevia – 1 Thumbs Up & 1 So-So
- ACV, Tonic Water, Lemon Juice, and Salt – 1 Thumbs Up & 1 Thumbs Down
2 Fit Docs Test How to Make Apple Cider Vinegar Taste Good [Video]
You Commented – We Listened!
Hey everybody so, a couple of weeks ago we did two videos.
One was on the benefits of apple cider vinegar for insulin resistance, and the other was on apple cider vinegar as a natural treatment for cholesterol.
Apple cider vinegar (or ACV) seems to have some really substantial research to back up its claim for improving insulin sensitivity and lowering cholesterol.
Those videos were really well-received by you guys, except for one little part.
We shot down some apple cider vinegar straight on one video, and we got scolded by a lot of you.
Yeah, by a lot of you – hundreds…
So we are back to redeem ourselves. We listened, and we are willing to learn along with you guys.
So we put together the most common comments from those videos, and we are going to do some taste tests of different apple cider vinegar concoctions.
Your Top Recommendations
So the top recommendations we had from your comments were to just dilute the ACV with water.
Add lemon juice – I like to use lemon juice without concentrate or fresh-squeezed if you have it.
Use sea salt – that was a biggie.
And then a few others like cinnamon. I like to use Ceylon cinnamon because it’s not the refined kind of cinnamon that you commonly get at the grocery store.
Then we have turmeric and cream of tartar. We don’t know much about cream of tartar, so we will have to look into it.
Yeah, the turmeric makes sense because it has curcumin in it, which has many known health benefits.
Also, we have some sparkling soda and tonic water as recommendations.

Test #1: ACV diluted with water
So the first thing that a lot of people said to try was ACV just diluted with water, and we were remiss. We should have said that this is the best way to do it in our last video.
However, we had tried this method before, which I think I mentioned in the last video, and drinking ACV diluted just made it prolong the sour taste for me.
I would personally rather shoot ACV down, but the acetic acids are pretty hard on your esophagus. It’s also definitely not good for your teeth enamel, as you guys let us know.
So we’ve got some savvy people out there, and we need to acknowledge that yet again.
Your Comments
So first, dilute with water, and this suggestion came from a comment by screamingeorge1. It says:
“U mix it with water!!! Never Straight!!”
So I have to give you props, screamingeorge1, you know who you are. All those exclamation points make sense with your name.
That’s very apropos indeed.
and then we also got the comment:
“Dude… definitely dilute with water. 1 or 2 table spoons in about 4 oz of water. Then shoot it. Way easier to handle.”
Those are just a couple of the comments we saw. I mean, that’s what most people said, and that’s probably the way that most people would drink this, right?
The Test
Right. So you want to give it a shot?
Let’s do it! We’ll do a tablespoon of ACV, each with some water.

The Results
That’s bad – that’s really bad.
I mean, it didn’t make me shudder, so there’s that.
Okay, so do you want to give it a thumbs up?
Well, it’s better than shooting it straight, and it’s better for your body than doing it straight.
Yeah, and there were a couple of comments from people that you should swirl saltwater or rinse your mouth with water afterward.
Yeah, just like swish it out with water after, especially if you do it straight. It’s a good idea because that way you don’t get on your teeth enamel.
Alright, so I would probably give just the diluting with water a thumbs down for me. Just judging taste-wise.
It wasn’t great. We could have diluted it with more water, but it was still pretty sour and pretty vinegary.

But it was better than straight.
It was a little better. So let’s move on!
Test #2: ACV With Water, Lemon Juice, Salt, & Liquid Stevia
Your Comments:
So a lot of you said lemon juice is great for taking away some of the adverse taste.
“ACV and a squeeze of one lemon wedge is amazing! Fill the glass with ice and filtered water. The vinegar-y taste is nearly gone with the lemon.”
Also, pink salt was a biggie that you guys had mentioned as well as adding sparkling water.
“Much easier putting it in water, add Pink Himalayan Salt and lemon.”
“If I took it full strength like that my gut would be burning like crazy. I mix mine with some lemon and sparkling water and quite enjoy it!”
Also, what was the other thing? Oh, stevia!
“Just a few drops of stevia make the vinegar go down.”
The Test:
So ACV water, lemon, stevia, and pick salt. Want to try that one?

The Results
That was much better!
That was an odd mixture of very different flavors – the sweet, the salty, the lemon, and the vinegar were weird. I kind of liked it, though.
I know, there was an element of ‘YUM.’
I kind of threw it to the back of my throat to get it down, but some of it still came through, wow. That was not too bad.
All right, I’m giving it a thumbs up. What do you think?
Yeah, a thumbs up.

So that was pink sea salt, stevia, and liquid lemon juice diluted with water.
And a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
So we just had two shots, and I don’t want to take four shots today. So we are going to finish this one up the next time we get our camera out.
Test #3: ACV, Warm Water, Cinnamon & Stevia
All right, so this one is our third shot. in these mugs we have:
- 3 oz of hot water
- One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
- 1/4 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon
- A small squirt of liquid stevia
That’s a lot to get down.
It is…
The Test

The Results
…Okay, I’m not sure I can get mine down.
I find it surprisingly good.
It’s not bad; I’m just having a hard time drinking all of it.
When we poured the vinegar in, just the smell of that was kind of gross, but that was not too bad. It was better than I thought.
However, the cinnamon does not mix well, so you have to keep swirling it to get it in the solution.
I’m not sure that would be a daily one for me. That one was a little rough. I don’t think I can get through it all.
All right, so I don’t give it a thumbs up or a thumbs down. I give it like an in-between. Is that fair?
Absolutely. I was actually okay with it, and I don’t usually like stuff!

Yeah, good point. like people. :)

Test #4: ACV, Tonic Water, Lemon Juice & Salt
On to test concoction number four in our apple cider vinegar taste test:
- 2 oz of tonic water
- One tablespoon of ACV
- 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice
- 1/8 teaspoon pink sea salt
The Test

The Results
Oh. I really wanted to end on one that I liked, and I didn’t’ really like that one.
Yeah, that was a little salty. I thought that was better than the cinnamon one.
I actually thought the cinnamon one was a little bit better than this.
Well, I’m sill going to give that one a thumbs up.

Apple Cider Taste Test Conclusions
I think what we learned from this experience is that lemon juice helps. Salt also helps, but you can overdo the salt.
Stevia probably helps too, but we are not big fans of it.
If you are taking ACV to get some of the blood sugar effects and insulin lowering effects, you might be affecting that benefit by adding the stevia.
Honestly, you might get be getting some diminishing returns by putting these other things in as well.
I don’t know.
However, it probably still goes back to if you can just do water and apple cider vinegar together that is probably that the safest and the best way to take it.
Okay, well there you go. We just wanted to test a few things.
Yeah, we’re done with apple cider vinegar taste tests for a while.
Thanks so much for reading, we will be back with more healthy weight loss tips soon!