No Luck Giving Up Sugar? Eat This…
Video | Salad | Side Dish | Stopper | Takeaway
Do you know what a well-formulated keto, paleo, Mediterranean, and vegetarian diet have in common? They avoid sugar. Sugar is a diet destroyer. The problem is that it is addictive. One touch of a sugary treat on your tongue can take over your brain, making you want more, and more, and more.
It feels so good when you eat it that the thought of giving it up seems worse than the inevitable health problems that a high-sugar diet has in store for you down the road. What do you do? Can a sugar-free life really be enjoyable, or is that just something health nuts say?
The only way to find out is to get sugar out of your life for a month and judge for yourself. If you are willing to consider doing that, here is what you can do to avoid overwhelm and ease into an enjoyable life without sugar. Encouragement alert: the steps require you to eat more.
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