No Luck Giving Up Sugar? Eat This…

Video | Salad | Side Dish | Stopper | Takeaway

Do you know what a well-formulated keto, paleo, Mediterranean, and vegetarian diet have in common? They avoid sugar. Sugar is a diet destroyer. The problem is that it is addictive. One touch of a sugary treat on your tongue can take over your brain, making you want more, and more, and more. 

It feels so good when you eat it that the thought of giving it up seems worse than the inevitable health problems that a high-sugar diet has in store for you down the road. What do you do? Can a sugar-free life really be enjoyable, or is that just something health nuts say?

The only way to find out is to get sugar out of your life for a month and judge for yourself. If you are willing to consider doing that, here is what you can do to avoid overwhelm and ease into an enjoyable life without sugar. Encouragement alert: the steps require you to eat more.

Read More “No Luck Giving Up Sugar? Eat This…”

Here’s Why You Find Carbs SO Addictive

Video | Carb Digestion in the Mouth | Cephalic Phase Insulin Response | Physiology Changes | Takeaway

Low-carb and keto diets are popular because they work. But, there is a catch. To be successful, you must break free from the addictive nature of refined carbohydrates. This blog post shares why we binge on carby cookies and candies, not low-carb broccoli, eggs, and fish. 

Read More “Here’s Why You Find Carbs SO Addictive”

8 Inflammatory Foods That You’re Addicted To!

Video | Inflammatory Foods List | Added Sugar | HFCS | Artificial Sweeteners | Hydrogenated Oils | Trans Fats 

You can’t put your finger on it, but something doesn’t feel right. You’ve been tired. Your joints ache. Your weight loss has stalled, and you just can’t shake your melancholy mood. If this is you, your diet may be taking you down the wrong path. 

Freedom from disease and uncomfortable symptoms is not only about eating more healthy foods; avoiding harmful foods is equally important. That is easier said than done when the foods that are causing harm are the same ones that top the list of addictive foods. This post will reveal eight inflammatory and addictive foods to avoid to feel better. 

Read More “8 Inflammatory Foods That You’re Addicted To!”

Happy Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Sugar 

Video | Is Sugar-Free Possible? | Sugar Becomes Too Sweet | Brain & Taste Bud Changes | Sugar-Free Experiment | Health Benefits | Can You Ever Eat Sugar? 

I’ve heard it said that motivation is generated in two ways. We are either running away from something we don’t want or running toward something we do want. The media is very good at highlighting the horrors of a high-sugar diet that we want to avoid.

The challenge with these fear-filled headlines is that they cause us to feel anxious, which can easily push us into the comforting arms of sugary treats like cookies, cakes, and candies. In this blog post, we’ll take the road less traveled and discuss why a sugar-free life is a wonderful thing, and I’ll use comments from viewers on my YouTube Channel to prove it. 

Read More “Happy Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Sugar “

How to Recover from a Binge

Video | What Causes Binge Eating | Stabilizing Blood Sugar | Meals | Fasting | Taking Action

To err is human. If you stepped away from your weight loss goal, it doesn’t mean that you are a failure. It just shows that you’re human. As you may have heard me say before, perfection is the goal, but rarely the reality. However, living in a healthy and fit body is important, so when we take these side-steps, we need a way to get back on track. This blog post shares why binge eating happens and ways to recover from a binge. 

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If You’re About to Eat Sugar…Read This!

Video | Cravings | Mental Focus | Weight Gain | Hunger | Energy | Skin

Science has made it clear that eating sugar leads to poor health. But sugar tastes good, is in seemingly everything, and is pretty cheap. On top of that, poor health is a future thing, making it hard to come up with a reason to put down the cookie or avoid grabbing the candy bar. Here are six less-scientific, but highly motivating reasons you don’t want to ruin your day by eating sugar.

Read More “If You’re About to Eat Sugar…Read This!”

10 Ways to Stop Eating Sugar

Video | The 10 Tips At-A-Glance | Sugar Substitutes?

Eating sugar makes you want more sugar. It is a controlling substance that can hijack your mind and wreak havoc with your health, making it impossible to lose weight. I know firsthand that it is not fun going through life feeling controlled by sugar. In this blog post, I share 10 practical ways to break free.

Read More “10 Ways to Stop Eating Sugar”

Get Our FREE Guide to Fasting!

Finding the right fasting routine for your body and lifestyle takes time. If you’d like to avoid common fasting mistakes and find ways to make fasting easier, I encourage you to download this FREE guide!

Get your FREE “How-To” guide to fasting here!

Fasting Guide

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Make Low Carb Simple!

Download a list of 100 low-carb foods for free!

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